‘The poet, therefore, is truly the thief of fire. He is responsible for humanity, for animals even; he will have to make sure his visions can be smelled, fondled, listened to; if what he brings back from beyond has form, he gives it form; if it has none, he gives it none. A language must be found…of the soul, for the soul and will include everything: perfumes, sounds colors, thought grappling with thought’.
So wrote Arthur Rimbaud, perhaps the most influential French poet ever. He influenced the Symbolists, Dadaists and Surrealists, and later writers adopted not only some of his themes, but also his inventive use of form and language. French poet Paul Valéry stated that ‘all known literature is written in the language of common sense—except Rimbaud's.’
The Thief of Fire celebrates Rimbaud’s Illuminations. Ciaran Carson has just published his stunning new English versions, In the Light Of, published by Gallery Press. Liam Ó Muirthile will read newly commissioned Irish versions. The reading will feature on-screen projections by Margaret Lonergan, and commissioned music by Seán Mac Erlaine.
Curated by Liam Carson, IMRAM Irish Language Literature Festival.
'Gadaí na tine, dá réir sin, cinnte, é an file. Tá sé freagrach as an gcine daonna, as ainmhithe fiú; caithfidh sé a dheimhniú go mbeifear in ann a chuid aislingí a bholú, a mhuirniú agus go n-éistfear leo; má tá foirm ag an méid a thugann sé leis ón alltar, tugann sé foirm dó; mura bhfuil, ní thugann puinn foirme dó. Caithfear teacht ar theanga ... an anama ar son an anama agus cuimseoidh sí an uile ní: cumhrachtaí, fuaimeanna, dathanna, smaointe i ngleic le smaointe.'
Is mar sin a scríobh Arthur Rimbaud, an file Fraincise is iomráití riamh, seans. Bhí Siombalaithe, Dadaithe agus Osréalaithe faoina anáil. Scríbhneoirí a tháinig ina dhiaidh, ghlac siad le cuid dá chuid téamaí agus anuas air sin ghlac siad chucu féin an leas ar leith a bhain sé as foirm is friotal. Léiriú dhátheangach seo de Illuminations (1874). Tá na dánta sin aistrithe ag Ciaran Carson go Béarla agus foilsithe ag Gallery Press sa leabhar In the Light Of. Léifidh Liam Ó Muirthile leaganacha Gaeilge. Tionlacan ceoil le Seán Mac Erlaine agus íomhánna le Margaret Lonergan.
Liam Carson, stiúrthóir IMRAM, Féile Litríochta na Gaeilge, a chruthaigh an tionscadal seo.