Ba san Iodáil a cuireadh tús le healaín éigse an Tarot agus ó aimsir Teo lo Folengo agus na lí a bhí comhaimseartha leis tá leas á bhaint ag lí as an Tarot, ina measc W B Yeats, T S Eliot agus Marge Piercy. Is é Liam Carson coiméadai An Túr/The Tower, seó a léireoidh dánta le Dairena Ní Chinnéide agus Helen Ivory a tháinig faoi thionchar
na gcártaí Tarot. Teilg dh Margaret Lonergan físeanna draíochtacha ar an scáileán. Chum Bob Dylan roinnt amhrán sna halbaim Desire agus Street-Legal atá ar maos in íomhánna Tarot agus canfaidh Enda Reilly cuid acu sin, traschruthaithe ag Gabriel Rosenstock.
Arna léiriú i gcomhar le IMRAM Féile Litríochta Gaeilge.
The art of Tarot poetics began in Renaissance Italy with Teo lo Folengo and his contemporaries, and since then poets including W B Yeats, T S Eliot and Marge Piercy have used the Tarot in their work. Curated by Liam Carson, The Tower features Dairena Ní Chinnéide and Helen Ivory reading work inspired by the Tarot cards, with on- screen projections created by Margaret Lonergan. On
his albums Desire and Street-Legal, Bob Dylan wrote a series of songs drenched in Tarot imagery, and a selection of these, transcreated by Gabriel Rosenstock, will be performed by Enda Reilly.
Presented in association with IMRAM Irish Language Literature Festival.