How do you capture a city, a country, in a book? Welcome To Lagos is a powerful and provocative portrait of contemporary Nigeria from the youngest woman ever to sign with Faber & Faber. ‘I grew up in this megacity to end all megacities,’ Chibundu Onuzo said. ‘Life, death, comedy, tragedy, joy and sorrow are all heightened in megacities.’ Looking for Transwonderland by journalist and travel writer Noo Saro-Wiwa is the first major non-fiction narrative of modern Nigeria by a Nigerian. Written with humour and humanity, in Looking for Transwonderland the beauty and variety of the country shine through.
This event will be chaired by James Verini, who writes for National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, The New Yorker and other publications, and until recently resided in Africa.
'I loved the bittersweet tone of this novel, so wise and beautiful.'
Stephen Kelman on Welcome To Lagos