Go wild with Aga Grandowicz and Rob Maguire.
Begin with a family tour of the Zoology Museum in Trinity College Dublin, led by a real life zoologist. After that, Rob will talk about the fascinating Irish animals in his and Aga’s book Dr Hibernica Finch’s Compelling Compendium of Irish Animals, and Aga will show you how to draw them.
As a child in Poland, Aga Grandowicz wanted to be a vet but changed her mind and became a graphic designer instead. Rob loves coming up with madcap ideas – such as writing a book about animals, despite being allergic to them. Margaret Anne Suggs is the award-winning illustrator of Pigín of Howth, written by Kathleen Watkins. Don’t miss this unique event for animal-loving families!
In association with Little Island and the Zoology Department, Trinity College, Dublin