The launch of VERSschmuggel VEARSaistear, a new anthology, with accompanying CDs, of Irish and German poetry from Clo Iar-Chonnachta, with poets Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill and Mirko Bonné, introduced by publisher Micheal O Conghaile
Mirko Bonné
Mirko Bonne was born 1965 in Tegernsee, and lives in Hamburg. He has translated poetry by Keats, EE Cummings and WB Yeats, and has published two novels — Der junge Fordt (1999) and Ein langsamer Sturz (2002) — and three volumes of poetry, the most recent of which is Hibiskus Code (2003). Mirko Bonné has been awarded a number of prizes, including the Wolfgang Weyrauch Award (2001), the Ernst Willner Award (2002) and the Kunstpreis Berlin Emerging Talent Award (2004).
Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill
Rugadh Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill i Lancashire Shasana sa bhliain 1952 agus d'fhás sí aníos i nGaeltacht Chiarraí agus i dTiobraid Árann. Ta tréimhsí fada caite aid sa Tuirc. Rinne sí staidear ar Ghaeilge agus ar Bhéarla i gCorcaigh. Is ansin a d'fhoilsigh sí filíocht san iris INNTI. Tá cuid dá cuid dánta aistrithe go Béarla, ag buaiteoir Dhuais Nobel na Litríochta, Seamus Heaney, i measc filí eile. Tá conaí uirthi i mBaile Átha Cliath.
Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill was born in 1952 in Lancashire and grew up in the Kerry Gaeltacht and in Tipperary. She has spent periods in Turkey and studied Irish and English in Cork, publishing poems in the journal INNTI. Much of her poetry, which draws on folklore, has been translated into English, by Seamus Heaney and others. Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill lives in Dublin.